After Dark is one the latest Bev Hogue original blue art creations.
This painting illuminates the Populuxe period of the late 1950s, when head vases and other figurines found their way into post-war living rooms. These curiosities were symbols of an affordable sophistication in the aftermath of two dark decades.
The spirit of these collectible items inspired the distinct blue portraits of women and wildlife that Bev Hogue began painting 20 years ago.
As her work gained popularity with collectors, Beluxe emerged as the natural description of the artist’s gallery and the products and creations that spun from the dark humour of this blue art.
Beluxe — to honour the legacy of the Populuxe era, but also as a portal to chronicle an era that is redefining art expression into the future via NFTs and augmented reality.
After Dark took shape in the early spring of 2021, when iridescent colours signalled a welcome release from a dark period.